200 void bindDiffuseTexture(int32_t textureId,
const string& nodeId =
const string& facesEntityId =
215 void unbindDiffuseTexture(
const string& nodeId =
const string& facesEntityId =
223 void setTextureMatrix(
const Matrix3x3& textureMatrix,
const string& nodeId =
const string& facesEntityId =
Color 4 definition class.
Representation of a 3D model.
Axis aligned bounding box used for frustum, this is not directly connectable with physics engine.
Transform parentTransform
virtual void initialize()
Initiates this object.
virtual void dispose()
Disposes this object.
void setParentTransform(const Transform &parentTransform)
Set parent transform.
void setTransform(const Transform &transform)
void setContributesShadows(bool contributesShadows)
Enable/disable contributes shadows.
void dispose() override
Disposes this object.
const Color4 & getEffectColorMul() const
The effect color will be multiplied with fragment color.
BoundingBox worldBoundingBox
void setEnabled(bool enabled)
Enable/disable rendering.
void initialize() override
Initiates this object.
void setTextureMatrix(const Matrix3x3 &textureMatrix, const string &nodeId=string(), const string &facesEntityId=string())
Set texture matrix.
void setNodeTransformMatrix(const string &id, const Matrix4x4 &matrix)
Set node transform matrix.
virtual ~ObjectInternal()
BoundingBox * getBoundingBox()
const Color4 & getEffectColorAdd() const
The effect color will be added to fragment color.
void unbindDiffuseTexture(const string &nodeId=string(), const string &facesEntityId=string())
Unbind dynamic texture to a node and faces entity of this object.
void bindDiffuseTexture(int32_t textureId, const string &nodeId=string(), const string &facesEntityId=string())
Bind a texture to a node and faces entity.
bool isContributesShadows()
ObjectInternal(const string &id, Model *model, int instances)
Public constructor.
void updateBoundingBox()
Update bounding volume.
void setPickable(bool pickable)
Set this object pickable.
void setEffectColorMul(const Color4 &effectColorMul)
The effect color that will be multiplied with fragment color.
void setEffectColorAdd(const Color4 &effectColorAdd)
The effect color will be added to fragment color.
bool nodeTransformMatrixUpdate
void unsetNodeTransformMatrix(const string &id)
Unset node transform matrix.
BoundingBox * getWorldBoundingBox()
Retrieves world bounding box.
void setReceivesShadows(bool receivesShadows)
Enable/disable receives shadows.
void setParentTransform(const Transform &parentTransform)
Set parent transform.
Matrix3x3 class representing matrix3x3 mathematical structure and operations for 2d space.
Matrix4x4 class representing matrix4x4 mathematical structure and operations for 3d space.