Color 4 definition class.
Entity hierarchy to be used with engine class.
virtual void addRotation(const Vector3 &axis, const float angle)=0
Add rotation.
virtual void setScale(const Vector3 &scale)=0
Set scale.
virtual const float getRotationAngle(const int idx) const =0
virtual bool isEnabled()=0
virtual void setRenderer(Renderer *renderer)=0
Set up renderer.
virtual const int getRotationCount() const =0
virtual BoundingBox * getBoundingBox()=0
virtual const string & getId()=0
Entity * getParentEntity()
virtual const Color4 & getEffectColorAdd() const =0
The effect color will be added to fragment color.
virtual void setParentTransform(const Transform &parentTransform)=0
Set parent transform.
virtual void setRenderPass(RenderPass renderPass)=0
Set render pass.
virtual bool isContributesShadows()=0
virtual Rotation & getRotation(const int idx)=0
Get rotation at given index.
virtual void setRotationAxis(const int idx, const Vector3 &axis)=0
Set rotation axis.
void setUniquePartitionId(int uniquePartitionId)
Set unique partition id.
virtual bool isFrustumCulling()=0
virtual void setEngine(Engine *engine)=0
Set up engine.
virtual void setEffectColorMul(const Color4 &effectColorMul)=0
Set effect color that will be multiplied with fragment color.
virtual const Matrix4x4 & getTransformMatrix() const =0
virtual void setTranslation(const Vector3 &translation)=0
Set translation.
virtual EntityType getEntityType()=0
static constexpr int RENDERPASS_ALL
virtual const Transform & getTransform() const =0
virtual void update()=0
Update transform.
virtual void setRotationAngle(const int idx, const float angle)=0
virtual void setFrustumCulling(bool frustumCulling)=0
Set frustum culling.
virtual void setTransform(const Transform &transform)=0
Set transform.
virtual const Quaternion & getRotationsQuaternion() const =0
virtual void initialize()=0
Initiates this entity.
virtual const Vector3 & getTranslation() const =0
virtual BoundingBox * getWorldBoundingBox()=0
virtual RenderPass getRenderPass() const =0
virtual const Transform & getParentTransform() const =0
virtual const Vector3 & getRotationAxis(const int idx) const =0
static constexpr int RENDERPASS_MAX
virtual void setContributesShadows(bool contributesShadows)=0
Enable/disable contributes shadows.
virtual const Color4 & getEffectColorMul() const =0
The effect color will be multiplied with fragment color.
void setParentEntity(Entity *entity)
Set parent entity, needs to be called before adding to engine.
virtual void dispose()=0
Dispose this entity.
virtual ~Entity()
static constexpr int UNIQUEPARTITIONID_NONE
virtual void setPickable(bool pickable)=0
Set this entity pickable.
virtual void setReceivesShadows(bool receivesShadows)=0
Enable/disable receives shadows.
virtual bool isPickable()=0
int getUniquePartitionId()
virtual void setEffectColorAdd(const Color4 &effectColorAdd)=0
Set effect color that will be added to fragment color.
virtual void setEnabled(bool enabled)=0
Enable/disable rendering.
virtual bool isReceivesShadows()=0
virtual void removeRotation(int idx)=0
Remove rotation.
virtual const Vector3 & getScale() const =0
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