50 virtual void run()
59 void createDatagrams(vector<LogicNetworkPacket>& safeLogicNetworkPackets, vector<LogicNetworkPacket>& fastLogicNetworkPackets, vector<UDPPacket*>& sendPacketsSafe, vector<UDPPacket*>& sendPacketsFast);
Application server thread.
void createDatagrams(vector< LogicNetworkPacket > &safeLogicNetworkPackets, vector< LogicNetworkPacket > &fastLogicNetworkPackets, vector< UDPPacket * > &sendPacketsSafe, vector< UDPPacket * > &sendPacketsFast)
Create datagrams.
static constexpr int32_t VERBOSE_NETWORK
const string getLogicNetworkPacketsLogicTypes(vector< LogicNetworkPacket > &logicNetworkPackets)
Get network packets game logic types.
ApplicationServer * server
virtual void run() override
Abstract run() method, should be implemented by subclassed class, will be called after spawn by start...
ServerThread(Context *context, ApplicationServer *server)
Public constructor.