1. What is TDME2?
- ThreeDeeMiniEngine2 is a lightweight, multiplatform 3D engine including tools
- Read about the philosophy if interested
- See screenshots, if you want to quickly know where we are and where we will go :)
- TDME2 is open source
2. Features
- Application
- initialization
- loads and initializes renderer backend plugin
- creates main window and OpenGL/Vulkan context using GLFW3
- handles HID
- supports
- setting window position and dimension
- setting full screen or windowed, borderless windowed mode
- setting application icon
- setting mouse position and mouse cursor
- executing other applications or background applications
- swapping double buffered buffers (to screen) manually if required
- checking if application is active (port-mingw, port-msc only for now)
- setting and getting data from clipboard
- receives and forwards file/folder drop events
- gamepads/joysticks (WIP)
- provides
- a crash handler for port-msc and port-mingw which also saves backtrace to crash.log
- application life cycle
- Math
- Math class with common math functions
- Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Matrix3x3, Matrix4x4 and Quaternion class
- those have a ordinary API + operators, the latter is still a bit WIP
- 3D engine
- model reader
- node names/ids must not have whitespace characters
- requires baked matrices
- requires triangulated meshes for now
- GLTF via tinygltf
- TDME Model file format
- this is a much more efficient model file format for TDME
- can also be written
- can use external or embedded PNG and embedded BC7 textures
- objects/entity types
- 3d model based objects with
- animations
- supports model object base animation and animation overlays
- supports animation blending
- skinning via
- CPU on GL2, GL3+/CORE, GLES2
- GPU via compute shaders with GL4.3+/CORE, Vulkan, GL3+/CORE via OpenCL for MacOSX
- which also supports several instances of the same object to reduce compute and render calls
- both animations and skinning have some sort of configurable LOD functionality
- texture transforms/animations
- supports BC7 texture compression
- objects with support for LOD
- imposter objects with support for LOD
- render group objects for foliage and such including LOD support
- particle systems which
- are object based
- or point based, including sprite sheet animation support
- or for fog purposes, including sprite sheet animation support
- and support
- basic/point emitter
- sphere emitter
- bounding box emitter
- circle on plane emitter
- ...
- there is also support for particle system groups
- lines based objects
- entity hierarchy objects
- environment mapping objects
- which can be used as reflection sources of other objects
- decal objects, including sprite sheet animation support
- object/entity transforms
- scaling
- rotations
- translation
- color effects on objects/entities
- color addition
- color multiplication
- lighting
- supports specular lighting
- supports phong lighting
- supports phong shading on GL2, GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- supports gouraud shading on GLES2
- supports diffuse mapping on GLES2, GL2, GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- supports specular shininess mapping on GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- supports normal mapping on GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- supports reflection mapping from cube maps on GLES2, GL2, GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- supports PBR lighting with IBL
- supports deferred shading and forward shading on GL3+/CORE, Vulkan
- custum shaders that currently include
- specular lighting
- specular lighting + foliage
- specular lighting + tree
- specular lighting + terrain
- specular lighting + water
- sky
- PBR lighting
- PBR lighting + foliage
- PBR lighting + tree
- shadow mapping
- post processing
- depth blur
- desaturation
- light scattering
- vignette
- object picking
- camera control
- set up look from, look at, up vector can be computed
- frustum culling via oct tree
- supports offscreen instances
- rendering can be captured as screenshot
- rendering can be used (in other engine instances) as diffuse texture
- supports down/up scaled rendering of main engine
- screenshot ability
- multiple renderer backends, which are loaded at runtime
- GLES2, GL2, GL3+/CORE and Vulkan
- Physics via ReactPhysics3D 0.9.0
- have sphere, capsule, obb, convex mesh, concave terrain mesh, height map bounding volumes
- have multiple bounding volumes per body
- have static, dynamic rigid bodies and collision bodies
- have joints(WIP)
- uses discrete collision detection
- rigid body simulator
- ray tracing
- for RP3D internals and additional features see ReactPhysics3D website
- Path finding/flow maps
- uses A*
- is paired with physics world to determine if a "cell" is walkable
- optional custom walkable test
- additional optional navigation map test
- path finding utility supports generating flow maps
- 3D audio
- Video
- GUI system
- borrows some ideas from Nifty-GUI regarding XML and layouting
- borrows some ideas from AngularJS like
- all nodes are in the GUI node tree and can be made visible or unvisible depending on conditions
- adds some improvements like
- support auto keyword with nodes width and height attributes
- layouting on demand in combination with conditions
- supported primitive nodes from which compounds are built of
- element
- gradient
- image(plus framebuffer and texture image nodes)
- input
- layer
- layout
- panel
- scrollbars
- space
- table
- text + multiline/styled text
- video
- supports custom templates and compound elements defined by templates and its controllers
- compound elements
- button
- checkbox
- dropdown
- grid (needs some love still)
- image button
- input
- knob
- menu
- progress bar
- radio button
- scrollarea
- selectbox including tree view
- selector horizontal
- slider horizontal
- slider vertical
- tabs
- moveable
- supports custom templates in general
- supports overriding used template of a compound element while using its controller
- so TDME2 GUI is fully customizable in terms of appearance by modifying or adding XML template definitions
- includes a simple script language
- to react on events with like on-mouse-click, ... and on-change for elements
- to manipulate conditions of elements, values of element controller and node properties
- a MiniScript script can be attached to screen nodes
- to react on events
- to modify the gui nodes tree or gui nodes state
- to implement GUI application flow(WIP)
- supports position and color based effects in combination with conditions that can also be defined via XML
- unicode support via UTF8
- MiniScript
- very small implementation of a scripting language
- runs on every CPU, OS, ... due to its simplicity, so its highly portable just like TDME2 is
- can be easily extended by writing state machine machine states and script methods in C++ as well as custom data types
- built-in data types: null, boolean, integer, float, string, vector2, vector3, vector4, quaternion, matrix3x3, matrix4x4, transform, array, map and set
- when calling script C++ methods or script functions with arguments it does optionally use references or value by copy
- supports user script functions and recursion
- supports operators by operator to method mapping by a preprocessor run
- supports loops and conditions
- supports programming with classes style programming
- for built-in datatypes: string, vector2, vector3, vector4, quaternion, matrix3x3, matrix4x4, transform, array, map and set
- for script classes/objects
- for custom data types
- supports event like programming
- can be transpiled to C++
- how to use:
- each script is attached to a game entity
- communication between script instances is possible by
- using callable functions
- sending signals with arguments
- complex logic should still be implemented by a game developer in C++ by extending MiniScript
- game designers can use MiniScript + those methods to implement high level game logic
- MiniScript methods/states know about them self, so a whole documentation for MiniScript usage can be generated later
- Networking module, which consists of
- UDP server
- n:m threading model with non blocked IO via kernel event mechanismns(epoll, kqueue or select)
- supports safe messages with acknowledgment and automatic resending
- supports fast messages
- can be used in a heavy multithreaded environment (the networking module is thread safe)
- IPV6 ready
- UDP client
- has single thread with a simple threadsafe API
- supports all features required by UDP server
- IPV6 ready
- Simple HTTP client
- uses a blocking TCP socket, thus it has a simple blocking API
- Ready for REST providing all methods, setting content type and body
- be able to set GET and POST parameters via unordered map
- supports basic authentification
- IPV6 ready
- HTTP download client
- supports basic authentification
- uses a separate thread to download to file
- IPV6 ready
- Operating system abstraction layer
- file system
- standard file system
- zlib based compressed archive file system and a tool to generate it from ./resources and ./shader folder
- unicode support via UTF8
- multi threading
- atomic operations
- barrier
- condition
- consumer/producer queue
- mutex
- read write lock
- spin lock
- thread
- Application server and application client on top
- each one owns a context to store logics and global app/game state at least, so context
- also has some additional UDP specific network functionality
- has easy polling like access to underlying path finding threads
- does logics management and execution in a separate thread
- application server and client threads also do physics computations
- logics which do live in application server context and application client context are capable of
- update engine entities if living in application client and also update UI and such
- executing app/game logic that change logic state, which can be visualized(see point above) and/or synched by network
- easy access to manage audio playback
- handling HID input
- doing network sync
3. Tools
- Editor
- Installer
- TDME2 itself and TDME2 applications can be installed with TDME2 installer, which supports
- offline installations
- installation using HTTP download from a repository which is easy to set up
- updating/repairing/uninstalling
- TDME2 tools contains the installer creation application, whereas
- installer definitions are set up using property files
- create-installer is able to group files into components
- Other tools
- archive tool to generate a single compressed file file system from ./resources and ./shader folders
- converttotm tool to generate TDME2 model files
- createinstaller tool to generate installer application and archives
- generatelicenses tool to generate complete engine or project licenses from ./ext folders
- importtmodel tool to generate TDME2 tmodel prototype files using model and bounding volumes models
- makefilegenerator and nmakefilegenerator tool to generate Makefiles for TDME2 based projects
- miniscript command line tool to execute MiniScript scripts
- createminiscriptcodecompletion tool to generate code completion database for MiniScript
- createminiscriptdocumentation tool to generate documentation for MiniScript methods and operators
- miniscripttranspiler tool to transpile MiniScript code to C++ code
- optimizemodel tool to generate texture atlases and bake down model mesh nodes into a few one to reduce GL/VK (render/compute) calls
- sortincludes tool to sort "include" and "using" source code statements
- others ...
4. What does it (maybe still) lack
- physics
- some more RP3D integration
- example games
- documentation
5. What is WIP or planned for first BETA
- MiniScript: more engine bindings(WIP)
- Editor: Code editing with code completion, also visual code editing is planned! (wip)
- Visual animation blending/system editor
- Shaders: Implement a new more abstract shader system using e.g. shader parameter system and add a visual/code shader editor on top
- Particle System: overhaul
- Lights: finish implementing the light system, modernize it also a bit + bloom effect for emissive materials
- Editor: complete Undo/Redo and Copy/Cut/Paste/Delete
- Cascaded Shadow Mapping
- Vulkan: Performance improvements
- PBR: generate IBL cube maps from scene (need to wait for WS PBR assets to finalize)
- Reflections via environment mapping(reflection intensity maps feature is missing for specular materials)
- GUI effects via XML definitions (already working, needs bugfixes)
- Optimizing models with specular lighting regarding render calls by reducing nodes and materials to a minumum (working already, needs to be finished)
- Some UI elements need some focus/disabled fixes
- Lots of minor bug fixes and user experience improvements
- A release plan
- A demonstration video
6. Technology
- designed for simple multi threading, but
- 3D rendering engine uses multiple threads if using Vulkan renderer, or one thread only if using a GL renderer
- UDP client has its own thread
- UDP server can have multiple IO threads, multiple worker threads and always has its own server thread
- HTTP download client has its own thread
- physics or game mechanics can also run in a separate thread(s)
- application server has its own thread
- application client has its own thread
- application context can have multiple path finding threads and does at least have one thread
- uses 3rd party libraries
- needs to be installed, if not using port-msc
- OpenGL
- OpenAL
- glew
- freetype2
- xml2(port-linux for FBXSDK)
- Vulkan(optional)
- included in TDME2 repository
- bc7enc_rdo
- cpp-spline
- libpng
- pl_mpeg
- ReactPhysics3D
- RapidJSON
- sha256
- tinygltf
- tinyxml
- Vorbis/OGG
- Vulkan
- glslang
- OGLCompilersDLL
- simple_vulkan_synchronization
- spirv
- VulkanMemoryAllocator
- zlib
- targeted platforms and its current state
- Windows/MINGW(port completed)
- Windows/MSC(port completed)
- Linux(port completed)
- MacOSX(port completed)
- FreeBSD(port completed)
- NetBSD(port completed)
- OpenBSD(port completed)
- Haiku(port completed)
- Android(port pending)
- iOS(port pending)
7. Other information
7.1. Links
7.2. External references
7.3. Other credits
- Dominik Hepp
- Mathias Lenz
- Kolja Gumpert
- Mathias Wenzel
- Sergiu Crăiţoiu
- Chantal Zabel
- others
7.4. Special thanks go to
- Kristin Meissner
- Dominik Hepp
8. Collaboration
- Interested in collaboration? Then drop me a line via mail or use the issues section on tdme2@github or on tdme2@codecks
- You can help with testing and reporting bugs
- I have easy to hard task regarding engine/tools development
- I have tasks regarding documentation
- I even might have system administrator tasks
9. Donation
- I have to pay my bills, beer and stuff, so if you have any use for this open source project, like educational, productive or fun, ..., consider a donation here PayPal, here GitHub Sponsors or via Amazon Wishlist